Project Overview

Being a pet owner is a very rewarding experience, but there are several tedious tasks that would need to be upheld as well. As a former pet owner, feeding my dog was a bit of an annoyance. I would have to rearrange my schedule to accommodate for my dog's feeding times. In addition, I would not dispense the same amount of food for my dog every time, and after some point, the food would become stale because the dog would not eat all of the food. Now I realize that the best way to remedy this issue is with a pet feeder. There are already several pet feeders online for purchase, but after searching for hours, I could not find a feeder that dealt with the excess food, so a group of students and I decided to build our own pet feeder. The initial design for our pet feeder utilizes a motor from a clock that is attached to a circular box, which has compartments that hold food. Since the top of the box if rotating along with the changing time, the top would reveal and close certain compartments due to the rotation. This box would rotate for 24 hours and after that time, there would be a stop bar that would prevent the top from moving, which would signal the owner to put more food into the compartments, while the food in the closed compartments remains fresh.

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