Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Week 1: Brainstorming

It was decided that an automatic pet feeder would be made. Many idea were explored. It was important that the group improved upon products that were already on the market.

Some pet feeders drop the food from above, others poured it down a slot, and some just let gravity take over.

Crestuff Automatic Portion Conrol
$40 on Amazon
Replenish Pet Feeder
$16 on Pet Solutions

Looking at the currently available automatic pet-feeders, it was noticed that none of the products available on the market made provisions for waste. What would happen if the pet were to not finish his food in time for the next portion of kibbles? The pet would have access to way more than he needs daily.

That scenario should be avoided...

for obvious reasons.

The idea is the owner will not be there to supervise.

So, this feeder needs to 
  1. Dole out precise amounts of food on a tailored interval
  2. Dispose of uneaten food after a certain amount of time, before the next feeding
More on how that might be made possible, later.

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